Energy efficiency in the fibre optic expansion of Deutsche GigaNetz

- Successful implementation of ESG initiatives (environmental, social, governance) in the company's PoPs
- Equipping the PoP's with solar cells
- Reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency
Backnang, 05.02.2025 - Deutsche GigaNetz, a leading fibre optic provider in Germany, is integrating ESG initiatives into the expansion of a nationwide fibre optic network in Germany. For example, the company is sourcing energy from renewable sources and generating its own green electricity with the help of solar cells at its PoP (Point of Presence) sites. Deutsche GigaNetz is also endeavouring to increase its energy efficiency, for example by dispensing with air conditioning systems and using the particularly energy-efficient GPON / XGS-PON active technology in the PoP locations.
telent GmbH has been working as a partner and general contractor for Deutsche GigaNetz GmbH (DGN) since 2020 as part of the nationwide fibre optic expansion and has made a significant contribution to the fact that more than 300 of the PoP locations have now been set up as turnkey solutions as part of the main project.
Parallel to the main project for the realisation of the PoPs, which has been running successfully for several years, telent GmbH has designed and implemented a concept together with experts from Deutsche GigaNetz in an ESG special project to additionally equip all PoP locations with equipment for measuring and logging energy consumption.
All PoP locations already set up by telent were equipped with energy meters and communication units for recording and analysing consumption. In addition, photovoltaic systems for power generation were added at suitable PoP container locations.
The following locations have been equipped as part of the ESG project to date:
- 110 Outdoor PoP with energy meters and communication units
- 95 Container PoP with energy meters and communication units
- 66 containerised PoPs with additional photovoltaic systems on the roof
As a turnkey partner for equipping the PoP sites with active technology (Nokia 7360 FX iSAM) for Deutsche GigaNetz, telent was able to seamlessly integrate this service into the existing portfolio and successfully implement the project in a very short time. All those involved in the project on the telent and DGN side worked together in a trusting and co-operative manner, which led to the rapid and sustainable success of the project.
Many thanks to all the Deutsche GigaNetz project teams involved for their commitment and active support in the preparation, planning and realisation of this important project!
telent is looking forward to continuing its successful co-operation with Deutsche GigaNetz and will continue to be a reliable and competent partner and general contractor for future expansion projects.