Environmental protection and resource efficiency

We are committed to protecting the environment and strive for resource efficiency in all our business processes. We minimise our ecological footprint by reducing emissions, using resources sparingly and promoting renewable energies.


Social responsibility

We take social responsibility towards our employees, customers, suppliers and communities. We promote diversity, equality and fairness and are committed to social projects and charitable organisations.



Circular economy and recycling

We support a circular economy and promote the recycling of materials and resources. We strive to reduce waste, reuse products and packaging and promote recycling programmes.


Transparency and communication

We communicate openly and transparently about our sustainability efforts and progress. We maintain a dialogue with our stakeholders and regularly inform them about our environmental performance and goals.


Responsible procurement

We emphasise responsible procurement practices and work with suppliers who are also committed to sustainability and environmental protection. We favour products and services that are environmentally friendly and ethically produced.            


Continuous improvement

We continuously strive to improve our sustainability performance and set ourselves ambitious targets to achieve our environmental goals. We regularly review our business practices and look for opportunities to optimise and innovate.



Our mission statement for sustainability and the environment is a commitment that we take seriously and that is reflected in everything we do. We firmly believe that our commitment to sustainability not only strengthens our company, but also makes a positive contribution to the environment and society.