More Than Just A CompanyWe For You
telent GmbH offers customized and tailor-made technology solutions and Smart Services for the area of critical infrastructures (KRITIS) and industrial plants. The company supports its customers in the design, planning, installation, integration, operation and maintenance and offers additional services at a comprehensive and full-coverage level.
Hot Topic - Energy efficiency in the fibre optic expansion of Deutsche GigaNetz Equipping the PoP's with solar cells

Hot Topic - Energy efficiency in the fibre optic expansion of Deutsche GigaNetz Equipping the PoP's with solar cells
Deutsche GigaNetz, a leading fibre optic provider in Germany, is integrating ESG initiatives into the expansion of a nationwide fibre optic network in Germany. For example, the company is sourcing energy from renewable sources and generating its own green electricity with the help of solar cells at its PoP (Point of Presence) sites.
We have been working as a partner and general contractor for Deutsche GigaNetz GmbH (DGN) since 2020 as part of the nationwide fibre optic expansion and have made a significant contribution to the fact that more than 300 of the PoP locations have now been set up as turnkey solutions as part of the main project.
Read more in our press release
Comprehensive Competence Portfolio
For operational and safety-related communication, telent plans, builds up and operates for its customers the necessary network infrastructures composed of most state-of-the-art products and systems from various renowned and well-known manufacturers. These systems guarantee maximum availability and security for all IT equipment and thus for the associated business-critical processes in companies and organizations.
Danger prevention for critical infrastructuresExplanatory video for KRITIS operators
telent GmbH offers customized solutions and Smart Services for networks and systems used in critical infrastructures. The company supports its customers not only in the design, planning, installation, operation and maintenance, but also delivers additional advanced Service and Cyber Security concepts. The explanatory video describes the special challenges faced by KRITIS operators.